ThermoCalc Software becoming even better!

mar 30, 2023

If you’ve ever wished that your phone were lighter, a battery lasted longer, or your plane flight required less fuel for the environment, then you’ve wished for a better material. Thermo-Calc Software make software and databases that are used by materials scientists and engineers to generate data that helps them design better materials and improve material processing conditions. And they do this better than anyone in the world!

About one year ago, we started working with looking at the needs and possibilities of TC regarding short and long-term organization and strategy. The work resulted in a strategic initiative driven by strategic themes, derived from our analysis of where the market is heading and TC´s current and expected place in it, as well as evaluating needs related to the organization.

Entering the 22/23 fiscal year, starting in September 2022, TC launched and forcefully engaged in executing activities and moving towards targets having been broken down from the strategic themes.

Consequently, TC has f I:

  • Recruited several key roles in a proactive effort to bridge gaps in securing growth into a next phase of the company. And performed an important re-organization to better prepare for and move to a more efficient operation.
  • Implemented a Competence First strategy – involving addressing the very scarce supply of the competence needed to develop the complex TQ software – where location has become much less important for recruitment.
  • Appointed a Product Manager to work in the intersection of customer understanding, marketing, sales, and development. And secured an improved outside-in perspective on short and long-term road maps.
  • Improved sales and marketing by implementing activities, processes, and culture where the target of becoming more proactive with data target oriented sales, and marketing organization has been in focus. This includes having aligned between planned road map releases, marketing, and sales as to leverage each process optimally.
  • Initiated a long-term strategy work with the perspective of being competitive and unique also in 2030 as the key driver.

The way that TC management has engaged in executing on organization and strategy to move to the next level is impressive. In April 2023 we will start looking at the strategic themes, the shape of related targets, and begin the process of preparing for review and next level efforts for the 23/24 fiscal year, starting in September.

We are very grateful and happy to having been invited to work with this great Swedish company and all the competent people in it.